[221029] Happy 100th Day Anniversary from Haerin

that sticker of two funny cats haha

5:45 PM   Do you know what day it is today?

5:46 PM  Of course I know. NewJeans 100 days!

5:46 PM   Isn't there something you want to say?

6:00 PM  Hehe that's right!! I can't believe it's been 100 days since our debut...ㅠㅠ I think a lot of things have happened... ㅎㅎ I'm so thankful that there are people who are celebrating our 100th day anniversary 🙂 I'm so thankful to everyone who helps us shine more on our songs, performances, and stages, and I'm so thankful to the fans who like us! ㅎㅎ Back then, my goal was to be a person who makes people feel happy, healed, and experience good emotions through me!! Now that you still like me so much, I feel happy and want to become a person who has a good influence in the future. I want us to feel the same emotions together, to empathize, and enjoy it. It's really important to enjoy, isn't it~~


I think today is a day to not only reminisce about the past and enjoy it, but also make resolutions for the future, and let's keep going!! Since 100 days like today will never come back, we wanted to turn on the live and talk to the fans like this! :) We will do our best to show even better days to everyone who congratulates and supports us!! NewJeans, hwaiting~ Bunnies, hwaiting~

